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Game Theory at Work: When to Talk and When to Shut Up   leadership   communication   the-swaits-code   game theory  
Three Simple Answers to any Executive's Questions   leadership   communication   the-swaits-code  
Debugging Careers: Why I'm opening up The SWaits Code   tech   leadership   career   the-swaits-code  
Two Years Later: Reflections on My Return to Amazon   tech   leadership   amazon  
Nobody tells me what to do!   tech   leadership  
The Fable of the Fumbling Founders   tech   leadership  
Mirroring Sourehut repos to Github   tech  
Books I read in 2023... for fun!   books  
Hikaru Nakamura's Winning Streaks   chess   statistics   games  
Ruthless Prioritization   career   productivity   advice  
Hacking on Neovim Plugins   tech   neovim  
Adding Mermaid.js to Zola   tech   zola   mermaid   howto  
My wife started a business!   suncrest flowers   small business  
Rust Type System: Making complex things simple.   tech   rust   programming  
Aim for the Median: Overcoming Impostor Syndrome   career   advice